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Find Unclaimed Assets In 3 Easy Steps!

Setup Your Search

Start by entering the requested profile information so we can match you to potential funds and benefits. Be sure to use your legal name to ensure accurate data is kept.

Complete Funds Survey

Take our quick and easy survey that will help us locate funds you may be eligible for. Unclaimed cash, benefits and assets can be found from old bank accounts, security deposits, wages, grants, insurance policies, stocks and bonds, uncashed checks and more!

Setup Your Search

Review the potential fund matches as well as other helpful benefits available based on your survey results. Be sure to claim any benefits you may be eligible for.

What Is Unclaimed Cash & Funds?

Unclaimed cash, funds, assets and other benefits are owed or available resources that have not been officially claimed by an individual(s). The available or owed funds can be traced back to a number of different sources such as old bank accounts, security deposits, wages, grants, insurance policies, stocks and bonds, uncashed checks and much more.

To claim these funds and benefits will require proof of identification and associated address(es). Time to recieve funds may vary depending on the source.